Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Haldol's Cassette Sleeve

Sleeve layout for Haldol's upcoming S/T cassette that will be released on my own label Dispersion Records. The cover artwork is originally white ink on black background, but I invert the color to make it more visible when xeroxed onto color papers (red and purple).

sleeve layout

original artwork (by Geoff from Haldol)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Release Poster I

Poster for Dispersion Records' first two cassette releases, Haldol's S/T cassette (Phily's dark punk) and Eerie's S/T cassette (Yogyakarta's dark punk). The cassettes will be released on September 5th at a local punk gig in Jakarta, a part of Eerie's mini tour. Padang's frantic hardcore punk Hurt also will be joining them on the tour, expect some savage shows!

Release poster

preview of the cassettes

*Bat stock image via this article