Thursday, April 12, 2012

Holiday In Cambodia: Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum / S21 Prison

I remember my dad used to tell me stories about leaders like Pol Pot, Mao Zedong and also Idi Amin when I was a kid, maybe thats one of the reasons why I love Dead Kennedys' "Holiday In Cambodia" when I first heard the song. I always told myself that someday I gotta go to Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, and finally I did. I spent 4 days in Phnom Penh, it was not for vacation anyway. I came there to work on a project, "company stuffs" if you know what I mean. So after I make sure all my work has done, I decided to go to the museum on Friday (April 6th) by myself - my friends were going to visit another place. I left my hotel around 10.30 am, and arrived there around 11 am. The trip took about half an hour by Tuktuk (a traditional transportation), its not as far as you think since there's a regulation in Cambodia not to drive fast (below 40km/h for cars, and below 30km/h for motorcycles). You need to pay $2 admission (US Dollar) to enter the museum, every visitor got a photocopied brochure. The horrors started as you walk into the area, you can feel the eerie atmosphere on this place.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Journey Begins: Collecting Original Movie Memorabilia

I just received this package yesterday, these are my first 2 original vintage movie lobby cards:
• Die, Monster, Die! (1965) - Lobby card #2
• Craze (1974) - Lobby card #2

I just started collecting vintage movie memorabilia, my friend Keith Wigdor (owner of Surrealism Now!) gave me a lot of advice in collecting original movie posters and lobby cards to avoid scam. He's a killer collector, see his collections here!